Steam Boat Emma - Steam Engine moves out of the workshop 21.08.2005 - by Rainer Radow
Steam Boat
Last paint work - 12.2003 = vorherige Seite
First water contact 07.10.2005 = nächste Seite

Steam Engine moves out of the workshop 21.08.2005

Finally, it's done. The steam engine runs very smoothly with compressed air and has a nice sound. But now it has to be taken off the workbench and into the boat.

Finally, it's done. The steam engine runs very smoothly with compressed air and has a nice sound. But now it has to be taken off the workbench and into the boat.

The first step is very easy. Simply put a 10 x 10cm beam into the ventilation hole, place an aluminum ladder on the other side as a support and the thing will stand on the floor without any back damage.

Lowering the steam engine from the workbench to the floor

Lowering the steam engine from the workbench to the floor

As with the Egyptians, you can lift anything up on an inclined plane

As with the Egyptians, you can lift anything up on an inclined plane

Such actions are usually preceded by several sleepless nights. Have you thought of everything?

Such actions are usually preceded by several sleepless nights. Have you thought of everything?

Now it goes diagonally up the narrow and steep cellar stairs. Here too, the chain hoist helps over the first 2.5 meters. Simply lay the beam across the banister and use a board as a sledge underneath. But this method ends at the top. There was no further lashing point in the garden and you couldn't get into the back yard by car...

Ladder and beam provide enough stability for this lifting task

Ladder and beam provide enough stability for this lifting task

We climbed the last few steps one step higher at a time. It was great that our landlord had provided us with such a sturdy railing years ago.

Just one more step and then the steam engine will be outside

Just one more step and then the steam engine will be outside

Please take a close look at the photo... It may seem like a lot of photos for a 'banal' action. But for me it was an exciting moment to see my work hanging on a hook, which was now all that mattered.

Well secured, the steam engines can now be taken to the shipyard

Well secured, the steam engines can now be taken to the shipyard

It's done. Several years of tinkering (with interruptions, of course) are on the loading area. Soon it will be off into my steam boat. But a forklift will have to help with the roof being already installed.

Many thanks again to my neighbors Helmut and Jochen. Without you, this would not have been possible!

Last paint work - 12.2003 = vorherige Seite
First water contact 07.10.2005 = nächste Seite