This page shows the building process and the following usage of my steam boat project Emma. The web layout is arranged like a blog. You will find the new pages at the top of the list below. From every individual page you can directly jump to the next or previouse page without going back to this main page - like in an ordinary book.
With this project I had the ambition to build the boiler, the engine and the boats upper body by my self. In the cases where I could not handle a job with my own tools I always tryed to opperate my friends tools by myself. Only in some special cases like the boiler welding, the grinding of the crankshaft and the sandblasting of the iron hull I hired some "specialists".
The first pictures (at the bottom of this list) are made during the last renovation of the "Tramp" by the previouse owner in 1993. In November 2000 I brought Emma - former Tramp - from the river Rhein to Berlin and started with the dismantling. Some years later in October 2005 I could make my first trip under steam. Since Mai 2007 Emma is under regular opperation. In the next time I have to finish some woodwork and want to improve some of the pipe work.
I am always happy to answer your questions or read your comments and hints about my web space!
rainer @ radow . org