Steam Boat
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Introduction ⇒
Operation of Emma
Winter Storage 2010
Zur Lesum
Winter-'Storage' 2009/2010
Steamboat Transfer Berlin -> Hannover
Winter Storage 2008/2009
Winter Storage 2007/2008
Summer Cruise 07.2007
Mildenberg 07./08. May 2007
Construction of Emma
Move the engine 21.08.2005
Last Paint - Dec. 2003
Emma moves - Dec. 2002
First cabin wood 05.10.2002
Canopy on stanchions 06/2002
Build of the Canopy 12/2001
Renovation of the hull and first paint
First layout studies of my steam launch
Transport of the hull from the river Rhein to Berlin
Renovation of the hull by the previous owner in 1993
Steam Boat
Winter-Storage 2009
Winter-Storage 2010
Via the Weser to the Lesum
Emma in the marina Hannover (2009)
Winter-Storage 2009
Winter-Storage 2010